2015, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (2)
Decline cognitive risk factors on epilepsy and schizophrenic patients
González PS, Felipe GMA, Llanes BY, Oliva HI, Moreno SRM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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Objective: To identify the cognitive deficit and the possible relations with social demographic,
biological and drug risk factors.
Methods: A retrospective cohort observation and explicative study was carried out during the period September 1st, 2013 and February, 2014. A sample of 64 patients, 32 with paranoia schizophrenia addmitted on the acute services and diagnosed through SCAN, besides 32 patients with epilepsy studied on the salutogenic office of epilepsy of the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana
Results: In patients with epilepsy the decline is related with marital status (single p=0.0181).The perinatal noxes is a predisposition factor on the appearance of the decline on patients with epilepsy (p=0.0108, OR= 8.438). The beginning of epilepsy predominates under 20 years old and schizophrenia predominates at its beginning over 20 years old (p=0.04). The high frequency of epilepsy and psychotic crisis favoured the appearance of the decline (epilepsy, p=0.0318, OR=7.917 and on schizophrenia p=0.023). It predominated the bad interpersonal adaptation (p=0.0234) and bad vocational adaptation (p=0.0024 y OR=5.622) on
patients with paranoid schizophrenia in relation to epileptic patients.
Conclusion: In the group of patients with paranoid schizophrenia is most frequent cognitive decline than in the group of patients with epilepsy .The more related factors to decline appearance on both diseases were the biologic factors. Interpersonal relations and bad
vocational adaptation were more affected on the group schizophrenia patients than on epilepsy patients.
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