2015, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2015; 12 (2)
Neuropsychological examination and anxiety and depression expressions on patients suffering from skull encephalon trauma. Huambo, 2012
Mendes SA, Herrera JLF, Angulo GL, Guerra MV
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 100.48 Kb.
Introduction: Trauma is considered as a word wild problem on the public health and mortality is the main indicator of it. Nevertheless, there are a lot of survivors that have physical and emotional consequences that affect not only the victim, but also their relatives, communities and society.
Objective: to define the main neuropsychological syndromes, as well asanxiety and depression expressions on teenagers and young people affected by skull encephalon trauma admitted in the General Hospital of Huambo, Angola Republic.
Methods: It was carried out a non-experimental design with descriptive range on a sample of 156 patients admitted in the General Hospital of Huambo from July to December, 2012. To obtain information clinical records were reviewed and observation, psychological semi structured interview (directed to patients and also to specialists on Neurosurgery as part of the health team), Brief Neuropsychological Series, Feature State Anxiety Inventory (IDARE) and Feature State Depression Inventory (IDERE) were applied.
Results: There was a predominance of open skull ? encephalon trauma of moderate severity with damages mainly on the front lobes. The majority affectations were related with the Functions: Mental arithmetic (92, 9%), Similarities and Comprehension (91,5%) Reading-Writing (83,3) and Orientations Functions) 82,05%). There was a predominance of high levels of Anxiety (63,64%) and Depression (67,53%) as state.
Conclusion: The studied patient with skull-encephalon trauma presented neuropsychological alterations mainly related with the execution functions and also high levels of emotional discomfort.
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