2015, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2015; 7 (2)
The variability of the heart frequency, an unquestionable indicator of the unit bio psychosocial
Pérez LVM, Almirall HPJ, Pérez BA
Language: Spanish
References: 68
Page: 292-312
PDF size: 112.07 Kb.
The unit of the biological, psychological and social components is the basis of
human behavior, and this in turn influences certain health states. This has rarely
been explained although it is an undeniable truth. The mental effort, one of the
stressors of the labor life, has been directly associated to the development of
cardiovascular disease. The variability of the heart rate (HRV) constitutes an
indicator of high sensitivity and specificity of its presence. It is the purpose of this
paper to deepen into the particulars of the VHR as a psycho- physiological indicator
when there is a mental effort. Special attention is granted to the following aspects:
usefulness, clinical relevance, relation to personality characteristics and emotional
states, biological and chemical mechanisms, relationship with the autonomous
nervous system (ANS), other conditions that can influence in its behavior, and the
methods used in its evaluation and processing. The evaluation of the HRV allows to
evaluate objectively health results provided by the integration of biological,
psychological and social aspects. It is an easy noninvasive method that permits to
predict the risk of developing cardiovascular events and the general health status of
the individual. The decrease of the HRV has been associated to negative emotions
and worse physical and psychological health.
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