2015, Number 4
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CorSalud 2015; 7 (4)
Projections of the Research Group on Sudden Death 20 years after its foundation
Ochoa MLA, Ferrer MD, Tamayo VND, González LM, Vilches IE, Quispe SJF, Pernas SY, García OD, Araujo GRE, Planas BR, Morejón MM, López TT, Ramos ML
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 300-308
PDF size: 500.24 Kb.
Given the challenge posed by cardiovascular sudden death
to healthcare systems worldwide, it is very important a
multi- and interdisciplinary approach that integrates all
medical and non-medical aspects involved in its assistance.
After analyzing the results of the epidemiological research
carried out in Cuba over 20 years by the Research Group on
Sudden Death, which highlight the importance of this health
problem because of its high incidence and its economic,
family and social impact, future projections of this working
group in addressing this disease were defined. The aim of
this article is to describe these projections in order to
achieve a better care for these patients. Projections include:
better competence and performance in their knowledge
and actions, and reaching a consensus to establish a universal
definition for its study, diagnosis, and recording of statistical
data. The scientific exchange among the various specialties
and working groups involved in its medical care is
essential to face its high incidence and to generate joint
strategies to lessen its impact.
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