2015, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2015; 16 (3)
Experiences of labor farewell for retiring in college academics
Aguilera VMÁ, Delgado GDD, Marrero SML, Torres LTM
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 26-39
PDF size: 394.48 Kb.
Objective: To understand the experiences of the labor farewell for retiring to Mexican university academics.
Method: Qualitative research with descriptive case study design. It was attended by eight professors, selected by theoretical sampling non-probability for convenience. Three professors were close to retirement and five teachers were retired. Their ages ranged from 54 to 64 years. Most were married, had children and grandchildren. The data was collected with individual in-depth interviews. The analysis of the data was based on the phenomenology of perception.
Results: We found heterogeneity in labor bounce experiences. The experiences were centered in the body experience in relation to emotions and family and work contexts.
Conclusions: The majority of academics had poor health, self-perception of body, emotions and negative environments. Majorities of women described life expectancy and health poor and performance of traditional roles. Retirees found the belief that retired once would improve health, but in most it worsened. Life decisions were important in labour bounce. At the institution, there are no clear and transparent guidelines on procedures to retire. The heads of Department supported only to males.
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