2015, Number 2
Sexual behavior and condom use among students from the School of Health Technology
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 202-212
PDF size: 117.45 Kb.
Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections, particularly HIV/AIDS, are a serious health problem among adolescents and young adults. Risk of acquiring them is closely related to sexual behavior, forms of protection, knowledge and risk perception, among other factors.Objectives: Identify sexual behavior and condom use as forms of protection against these diseases among students from the School of Health Technology in the municipality of Cerro as a stage previous to an educational intervention.
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted of sexual behavior and condom use among students from the School of Health Technology in the municipality of Cerro, Havana. The sample consisted of 453 persons.
Results: The main results were the following: 91% of respondents had an active sex life. 27.5% had had more than one sexual partner per year, and 11.0% more than one sexual partner simultaneously. 11.0% stated that two condoms should be worn at the same time for safety, and only 35.0% stated that the moment to put on the condom was the onset or erection. 51.88% always used condoms for their sexual relations, and 61.0% disagreed with not using a condom with their steady partners.
Conclusions: Use of condoms to prevent STI/HIV/AIDS was low. A high percentage did not agree with the use of condoms with their steady partners. The moment to put on the condom during sexual relations was inadequate.
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