2015, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2015; 15 (2)
Relevance and aspects of participation in a Food Aid Programme in Veracruz, Mexico
Mejía BDP, Romero HEY
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 51-66
PDF size: 627.61 Kb.
Introduction: Food aid in Mexico is inadequate
because their short ranges and strong dependence.
Therefore, they require a thorough analysis
to design strategies to promote the participation
of beneficiaries. This paper proposes an evaluation
of the relevance and participation aspects of
direct food aid program in order to identify opportunities
and develop participatory models that
improve the guidelines of the current programs.
Objective: To determine the aspects that affect
participation in food security activities of a group
of beneficiaries and to know the relevance of direct
food support in a town of Veracruz.
Semi-structured interviews with coordinators,
operators and beneficiaries of the Food Support
to Vulnerable Subjects of the town of Baxtla were
applied. It was used a quantitatively and qualitatively
analysis to describe frequencies and make
Results: There are inconsistencies
in the type of population, use and duration of
support. The factors significantly associated with
participation are age, education, support time, collaboration
with other activities, nutritional counseling,
presence of children and elderly at home,
unemployment and high labor costs in food. The
Program was appropriate for older adults living
alone and people who receive food guidance.
This study allowed us to determine the
impact on power as well as aspects that influence
the decision to want to engage activities that enhance
food security, information that can be used
for decision-making and improve this and other
food aid program.
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