2015, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2015; 15 (2)
Metabolic Syndrome and forefinger General Fitness in Students of the School of Nutrition of the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa
Castillo HJL, Romero HEY, Almar GM, Cuevas GMJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 35-50
PDF size: 557.09 Kb.
Introductory. -The Metabolic Syndrome (MS)
is formed by a set of metabolic abnormalities
that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
and diabetes mellitus type 2. The exact
etiology is unclear, although it is known that
a complex interaction between genetic, metabolic
and environmental.
Objective. - To determine
the association between the prevalence
of MS and general index of fitness in students
from the Faculty of Nutrition Xalapa campus
of the Universidad Veracruzana.
Material and
methods.- transversal, observational, descriptive
study in February 2013 on 324 students, a
family history and lifestyles were identified, as
well as blood pressure, state of nutrition and
fitness; frequencies, averages, confidence intervals,
chi-square and odds ratio were estimated.
Results. - The sample represents 56.54% of
the total population of men and women who
agreed to participate in the study. The results
of the test shows that Odds ratio 4.7 times the
risk of developing one or more components
of SM if the population is poor fitness, the risk
may range from 1.8 to 12, which is confirmed
by the value of P of 0.005 with a standard
error of 0.5%.
Conclusions.- Metabolic syndrome
and some of its components primarily
affect students with poor fitness, finding that
genetic predisposition, the consumption of
energy-dense foods and physical inactivity
are present in significant percentages of the
study population.
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