2015, Number 3
Buccal health and level of information in old people. North area. Sancti Spíritus. 2011
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Background: In the aging the risk of acquiring illnesses and inabilities increases and with it the necessity to trace goals to improve the health of the mature person. Objective: to determine level of information about the buccal health in the mature persons. Methodology: It was carried out an observational, descriptive and traverse study in a population constituted by 175 patients older than 60 years old of both sexes that requested stomatological attention. The variables were described: age, sex buccal illnesses, factors of risk and level of information about buccaldental health. Results: The interviewers, in their majority, had between 60 and 69 years old, and prevailed lightly women; it was the dental cavity the buccal illness that was more diagnosed, what coincides with the factor of biological risk that was more found. Most knows the main functions of the teeth and inside the buccal illnesses all recognize the dental, very few recognize the frequency in which brushing of natural teeth and prosthesis should be done. Conclusions: Most of the interviewers have a faulty level of information in connection with the buccal health.REFERENCES
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