2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (4)
Recurrent pulmonary illnesses
Orellana MGA, González OM, Carpio ME
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 423-439
PDF size: 346.69 Kb.
Introduction: the studies conducted on recurrent pulmonary illnesses in children
are scanty; the highest percentage of them has been made in settings other than
the primary health care and data on the underlying causes and the risk factors for
these illnesses are inconsistent.
Objective: to analyze the underlying causes and the possible risk factors of recurrent pulmonary illnesses in children.
Methods: a case-control study was conducted in which 63 children, previously
selected by physicians at the primary health care, were examined on the basis of
an algorithm for clinical diagnosis in a specialized service for chronic recurrent
pneumopathies. It was carried out in Sancti Spiritus province from January 1st
2011 to April 30th 2014. One hundred and four children without a history of
recurrent pulmonary problems were included as controls in the same period of
time. The demographic and clinical characteristics of both groups were then
Results: in the study group, 84.1 % of children showed some underlying cause for
recurrent pulmonary illnesses; asthma, immunodeficiencies, brochiectasy and
gastroesophageal reflux disease prevailed. Being a low birthweighed infant was
associated to recurrence in pulmonary illnesses whereas smoking at home was
associated to non-recurrence.
Conclusions: adequate diagnosis of children with recurrent pulmonary illnesses
may be made on the basis of integration of all the health care levels and should be
focused on identifying the underlying causes of recurrence.
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