2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2015; 20 (3)
Effects of ethanol extract of Cenostigma macrophyllum Tul. (caneleiro) on reproductive parameters of female rats
Barbosa SD, Guerra OJM, Neto BM, Bezerra SPA, Sena CCL, Chaves MH, Carvalho MMC, Raposo CAP
Language: English
References: 38
Page: 265-276
PDF size: 187.69 Kb.
Introduction: Cenostigma macrophyllum Tul., known as
Caneleiro presents antiinflammatory,
antinociceptive, antiulcerogenic activities.
Objective: to evaluate the effects of the ethanol extract from
C. macrophyllum Tul. leaves on the reproductive parameters of female Wistar rats.
Methods: for estrogenic activity assay were used 32 ovariectomized female rats (n=8) treated for four days: I- NaCl 0.9%, 10mL/kg of body weight orally + corn
oil 1mL/kg intramuscular (IM); II- NaCl 0.9% orally + estradiol 10 µg/kg bw IM; III- extract 500mg/kg orally + corn oil IM and IV- extract orally + estradiol IM. The uteri were weighted. The estrous cycle evaluation was made using 12 female rats examined daily by vaginal smear, before, after and during the treatment (16 days) with extract (500mg/kg). The each estrous cycle phase duration and the interval between the cycles were measured. For reproductive toxicity study were
used 16 female rats (n=8) that were treated orally during all gestational period with: NaCl 0.9% 10mL/kg and extract 500mg/kg. The rats were anesthetized and
laparotomized for uterus and fetus evaluation. Furthermore, the heart, liver and kidneys were collected and submitted to histopathological evaluation.
Results: the uterine weight did not differ between the groups. There was a decrease in the estrous number and an increase in the estrous cycle duration in the
treatment and pos treatment groups. The extract did not cause toxicity in pregnant rats nor signs of alterations in the newborns. The histopathological analysis did not
reveal significant alterations in the organs.
Conclusion: the extract interferes in the estrous cycle but does not present toxicity over gestation and nor alters macroscopically or microscopically the analyzed organs structures.
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