2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2015; 14 (2)
Criteria for the administration of red blood cells of patients receiving surgical treatment
Alemán RS, Abad HRM, Pérez MG
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 124-135
PDF size: 128.03 Kb.
Introduction: most transfusions are given in surgery patients (60 to 70 %) and anesthesiologists are responsible for the indication of the majority (50 to 60 %). Adequate transfusion practice requires constant and critical clinical assessment, taking into account that allogeneic blood transfusion is risky.
Objective: evaluating the indication criteria of red cells in patients undergoing surgery.
Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in the Department of Anesthesiology Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital was performed.
Results: predominant age group of 60 and over (49 %), women 64 % overweights and 44 %. 22 % had a history of hypertension. In 67 % of cases it was not expressed in the history of transfusion criteria.
Conclusions: no patient in the valid precise indication of blood transfusion criteria was used.
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