2014, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2014; 14 (2)
Validation of The Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA) in rural and urban context of Veracruz, Mexico
Sánchez VS, Álvarez RMM, Cortés SCS, Espinosa GR, Mateu AMVS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 16-21
PDF size: 292.36 Kb.
Introduction: ELCSA has been proposed at the regional level for the standardized measurement of household food insecurity because of its validity and reliability.
Objective: the study aim to validate the application of ELCSA through its adaptation in a rural and urban area of Veracruz, Mexico.
Methods and Material: Items were adapted to the national context ELCSA to engage the rural and urban areas, construct validity were conducted with a pilot using the technique known groups to observe the behavior of the ELCSA. The first group consisted of 32 households in the rural locality El Paisano and the other group consisted of 30
households of Xalapa, Veracruz, were compared using the t test for independent groups differ in the proportions of households with some degree of food insecurity, reliability according to its internal consistency was performed using Cronbach Alpha value.
Results: In rural locality, the average score was 10.81 ± 9.6 with range of 0 to 32 points and in the city was 1.27 ± 4.6 with range
from 0 to 25, the contrast was performed using the test for
independent groups Mann Whitney (p = 0.000), the t test shows significant differences (rural: urban 0.91 vs 0.20, p = 0.000), the Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.9531 indicating high consistency of the items.
Conclusion: The difference scale food safety levels in different populations so this instrument would help better targeting of resources, achieving greater effectiveness in the programs.
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