2015, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2015; 26 (4)
Social capital in information organizations and its relationship to knowledge management
Medina GV, León SM, Torres PD
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 424-436
PDF size: 225.39 Kb.
A descriptive study was conducted to identify the source elements of social capital
in information organizations and their relationship to the process of knowledge
management. The study was based on classic document analysis and content
analysis. Reference is made to the main authors dealing with the subject as well as
others who have approached it from various perspectives. A discussion is provided
of theoretical aspects of the topic of social capital in organizations, particularly in
information organizations. An analysis is presented of criteria advanced by the main
exponents of social capital, its dimensions, levels and types. Examination is
performed of the source elements of social capital and their identification in
information organizations. Evidence is provided of the close link between social
capital and the process of knowledge management. Identification is performed of
the source elements of social capital in information organizations. It was found that
social capital elements are relevant to the development of knowledge management
in organizations. Social capital is an intangible asset of indispensable identification
in information organizations, since its essence is based on social relationships
capable of developing those entities on their three dimensions: individual,
organizational and external.
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