2015, Number 4
Experiences on community and family health: first cohort of the formation of doctors in Venezuela
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 86-97
PDF size: 125.52 Kb.
Background: the National Formation Program in Community comprehensive Medicine arises to guarantee the doctor's formation that requires the new Venezuelan society, to eliminate the current high exclusion levels in health care, with the quality, spreading and attention for the whole population of the country.Objective: to characterize the behavior of the Community and family Health discipline composed by a series of subjects or curricular units, and the social-medical, including the Student Community Service that is introduced in the sixth year.
Methods: it is carried out a descriptive investigation on the first cohort of graduated students in the National Formation Program in Community comprehensive Medicine, from the academic year 2005-2006 up to 2010-2011. Theoretical methods were used: historicallogical, inductive-deductive and analytic-synthetic, empiric ones: documental analysis of the program, and mathematics for the results of absolute values and percents.
Results: the contents corresponding to the community and family health are contemplated in the program since the first year of the career, the promotion results are satisfactory, with dissatisfactions on the frequent evaluations, and the quantitative results are good in the work with the student community service.
Conclusions: a good design was observed in regard to distribution of subjects per year and numbers of hours, weaknesses in the assessment component have motivated the change proposal in the system of final assessment and the importance of the Student Community Service through the interaction of the students with the community evidenced in the defense of the presented projects.
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