2015, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2015; 18 (1)
Desarrollo histórico y los retos tecnológicos y legales para comercializar Fungifree AB®, el primer biofungicida 100% mexicano
Galindo E, Serrano-Carreón L, Gutiérrez CR, Balderas-Ruíz KA, Muñoz-Celaya AL, Mezo-Villalobos M, Arroyo-Colín J
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 52-60
PDF size: 1795.56 Kb.
More than a decade of Mexican researcher's work resulted in the commercialization of Fungifree AB
®. The
development of the project involved aspects ranging from basic science research to product registration before Mexican authorities. This development required that the scientist involved had a technological rather than academic approach, allowing the protection of the innovation by a patent and the creation of a spin-off company, which eventually put the biofungicide into the market.
Fungifree AB
® is the first biofungicide in the market fully developed in Mexico. It has been recognized by national and international organizations with innovation awards. Futhermore, organic certification was obtained on November 2014. The project involved collaborative work of several public and private institutions, bringing to the market an effective product for the safe production of high quality fruits and vegetables leaving no pesticides residues. This last property, allows the farmers the possibility to export their products to international markets in which the use of chemical pesticides is highly regulated.
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