2015, Number 2
Disorders of the temporomandibular articulation in population over 18 years old in Trinidad 2010
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Background: The temporomandibular disorders are a complex and heterogeneous group of conditions and clinic alterations which affect the temporomandibular articulations. Objective: To determine the behavior of the temporomandibular disorders in the elder population over 18 years old in Trinidad, in the period from April to October, 2010. Methodology: A transversal study was done and the population was represented by patients from Trinidad, five Doctor´s offices were selected in an aleatory form, the sample was formed by 75 patients. Results: The 28 % of the population presented affections in the temporomandibular articulations, an increasable tendency beginning from the group of 35 to 44 years old, the articular crack was the sign and the symptom of mayor frequency for which represented the 25.3 %. The dental lost and the unfitted prosthesis resulted unchains and predispose factors of mayor frequency in its apparition, resulting the 64 % and the 23 % respectively. Conclusions: Patients from 60 to 74 years old were the most affected, with a predomination to a bilateral affectation of the temporomandibular articulations.REFERENCES
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