2015, Number 4
Clinic- pathologic characterization of patients with esophagus cancer in the Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 345-355
PDF size: 69.40 Kb.
Background: the esophagus cancer is considered a little frequent entity, but having an aggressive behavior and a progressive course. The aim of this term is clinically and pathologically characterizing the patients with esophageal cancer diagnosed in the mentioned hospital.Methods: we carried out a prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study in 35 patients who were assisted in the Gastroenterology Service of the Teaching Military Hospital “Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy”, in Matanzas, from January 2012 to December 2013, with the endoscopic and histological diagnosis of esophageal cancer. We analyzed variables like age group, gender, risk factors, clinical manifestations, time of symptoms appearance, endoscopic and histological kinds that were represented in tables per absolute and relative frequencies.
Outcomes: male gender predominated (85,7 %), with predominance of ages more than 60 years (88,6 %). The inadequate diet, alcohol consumption and drinking were predominant risk factors. Dysphagia was the main motive of these patients consultation. All the cases were diagnosed between 3 and 6 months after the symptoms began. Endoscopically there it was a predominance of the polypoid or vegetative kind of cancer (63,2 %). Most of the cases were located in the esophageal medial third (34,2 %). The squamous cell carcinoma was histologically the most frequent one (52,6 %).
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