2015, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2015; 6 (1)
Appraisal of the geriatric population that receive directed medicine from family Doctor 42 in Cerro municipality
Linares RE, Marques GZ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 24-30
PDF size: 346.04 Kb.
According to the definition of the World Assembly on the Aging, a bigger adult is a 60 year-old person and more. This epithet follows the rules of the statistical services of the United Nations for what was carried out a descriptive study, of traverse court in the unit 981 of the hill where the clinic is located. The universe was made up by all the patients that consume controlled medications in the clinic 42. The sample was constituted by the patients of more than 60 years, the studied variables were: Age, Sex, Patients with Pluripathology, PolimedicationType and Index of adherence. It is observed a bigger prevalence in the feminine sex, the ages with more prevalence are from 71 to 75. It is found a great number of patients with pluripathologies. The main pathologies are: the HTA, the ischemic cardiopathy and diabetes Mellitu. It is also found a minor index of polimedication. As a result, it is necessary to extend the study to other family doctors of the community in Cerro municipality, as well as to include the study of drugs that havea high frequency use and their pharmacological groups.
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