2015, Number 1
Prevention of human leptospirosis in the community
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 86-95
PDF size: 149.00 Kb.
Leptospirosis is endemic-epidemic in Cuba. Hundreds of cases have been reported from the 80s to the present. A review of the main actions for prevention and control of leptospirosis in the community and its treatment was performed. A literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, EBSCO and SciELO databases. The World Health Organization Guide for the diagnosis, monitoring and control of human leptospirosis in force since 2003 and the National Program for Prevention and Control of Human Leptospirosis in force since 1997 were taken into account also. Preventive actions are analyzed such as: removing reservoir of this disease (including rodent control, canine sanitation, animal vaccination, screening and treatment of carriers and sick pets); avoiding contamination of infective media (covering health dumping of animal excreta, drainage ponds and lowlands, community sanitation, disinfection of animal habitat, pool-health treatment, physical protection of water sources and food); preventing human infection with infective means (involving ingesting health prohibition of meat and milk from sick animals or carrier, disinfection of fruits and vegetables, using physical means of protection, health ban immersion in contaminated river); chemoprophylaxis and vaccination. The main actions are set by both the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba as the World Health Organization.REFERENCES
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