2015, Number 1
Proposal of a rehabilitation treatment in neurogenic ophthalmoplegia
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 14-24
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Introduction: the neurogenic ophthalmoplegia originates visual problems, aesthetic and psychological in the individual that suffers it.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the magnetic therapy with the electro acupuncture, in comparison with the drug therapy.
Method: it realized an explanatory, prospective, quasi-experimental study, with a sample of 44 patients, 12 men and 32 women, that divided in two groups, to one applied them physical therapy, and to the left evolve spontaneously.
Results: in both obtained by ages, an average and a standard deviation of 55,36 ± 12,8 by age; 75 % of the patients were included between the ages of 48 to 76 years, three of each four patients were of the feminine sex, caused by paralysis of the III pair, associated to high tensional figures; in the masculine sex, the etiology that prevailed was the traumatic brain injury; the function of the muscle elevator of the lid in the whole of the patients was invalid to the start, more than 90 % was unilateral, to predominance of the right side. In the group that received physical therapy, three of each four patients rehabilitated , however, in the group that did not receive treatment, only one of each 4 patients presented better; the efficiency of the treatment evaluated with the application of the Ji Square for a level of significance = 0,05.
Conclusions: the physical therapy proposed was effective, no invasive and of lower economic cost.
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