2014, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2014; 48 (4)
Evaluation of combination treatment effect of mangiferin with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil in CT26.WT and CKO-K1 cells
Rodríguez GJC, Rodeiro GI, Hernández BI, Delgado HR
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 658-671
PDF size: 648.59 Kb.
Introduction: mangiferin has several pharmacological properties, but others
remain to be deeply explored, such as antitumor activity since it may serve as
adjuvant agent in conventional antitumoral chemotherapy in a combined treatment.
Objective: to evaluate the antiproliferative effect of the use of mangiferin alone
and in combination with low concentrations of chemotherapeutic agents.
Methods: the CT26.WT mouse colon carcinoma and the CHO-K1 hamster ovary
normal cell lines were treated with mangiferin in combination with cisplatin and
5-fluorouracil in several treatment schedules (sequential and simultaneous), at
different concentrations and incubation times. The cell viability was evaluated by
MTT assay.
Results: mangiferin (1-200 µg/mL) was not cytotoxic in both cell lines. Mangiferin
(1-200 µg/mL) for 3h plus cisplatin at not citotoxic concentrations (1 µM and 5 µM) for 72 h in sequential combined treatment showed a significant increase of cell death in CT26.WT, without inducing significant increase of cell death in CHO-K1
cells at low concentrations of both compounds. In the case of combined mangiferina and 5-fluorouracil (0,1 µM and 0,5 µM) treatments, cell death rose in a significant way in simultaneous combined treatments for 72 h whereas sequential combined therapy with 5-fluorouracil for 72 h plus mangiferin for 24 h in CT26.WT cells, a significant rise was not induced in the cell line death of CHO-K1 hamster.
Conclusions: mangiferin in combination with low non cytotoxic concentrations of
cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil promotes cell death and increases the cytotoxicity of
these chemotherapeutic agents in experimental conditions of this study.
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