2015, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2015; 31 (2)
Frequency of antigens in Rh and Kell blood system in blood donors
Vásquez RM, Castillo ED, Pavez EY, Maldonado RM, Mena LA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 160-171
PDF size: 102.86 Kb.
Introduction: immunologic studies performed on blood donors are directed to
provide a transfusion therapy compatible with ABO blood group system and Rh
system D antigen in the recipient. However, as a way to increase transfusion
safety, the interest of expanding the range of antigens to determine and therefore
to be tested for compatibility prior to a blood transfusion, arises.
Objective: to determine the frequency of the five major antigens of Rh. system
and K1 and K2 antigens of the Kell system in blood donors.
Methods: Cross-sectional study including 200 randomly selected voluntary blood
donors from “Centro Productivo Regional de Sangre del Maule” (CPRSM).
Phenotyping of five major antigens of Rh. system and K1 and K2 Kell system
antigens was carried out. The tube hemagglutination technique with monospecific
Coombs sera and DG Gel
® was used. The Rh. system D, C, c, E, e antigens and
Kell system K1 and K2 antigen phenotypic frequencies were calculated in
percentages. The most likely Rh.genotype was determined from the phenotype
frequency of this system. Similarly, in Kell system the genotype frequency was
determined based on phenotype.
Results: in the Rh.system, 96% of the samples studied had D antigen; 97.5% had
the "e" antigen, and 35.5% the E antigen. Antigen C was present in 79 % and “c”
in 65.5 %. The most frequent Rh. genotype was CDe/CDe. In Kell system, K1
antigen presented a frequency of 4 %, while antigen K2 presented a 99.5 %.
Regarding genotypic frequency, a 96 % of the population showed a K2 (kk)
homozygous genotype.
Conclusion: the frequency of the seven antigens studied is similar to that
described in other populations.
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