2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2015; 52 (1)
Influence of the quality of coronal restoration in the prognosis of endodontically treated teeth
Vallejo LM, Maya CCX
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 47-62
PDF size: 170.22 Kb.
Introduction: the restoration of endodontically treated teeth is complex and
controversial, and its prognosis is directly related to the quality of endodontic
treatment and the final restoration, which should ensure a proper marginal seal to
prevent coronary filtration and avoid subsequent endodontic failure. It has been
shown that to handle badly a post-endodontic canal could cause failures for
skiddingand microorganisms filtration which are found in the oral cavity and derived
products to the apical portion of the root. Many factors during the endo-restorer
treatment phase directly influence in its prognosis: apical sealant quality, residual
amount of gutta-percha, early or late desobturation, sealing ability of the temporary
or permanent restoration, disinfection canal among other.
Objective: the purpose is to update professionals about clinical parameters to take
into account in the rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth, for this it is
necessary to follow all the procedures under strict protocol and proper aseptic chain
to prevent bacterial contamination.
Methods: the literature search was conducted using the following terms coronal
restoration, microfiltration, desobturation root, quality and endodontic status, articles
that evaluated the effect of the quality of the root filling and coronal restoration or
both in the success of a root canal were selected. Fifty-three articles were identified
and reviewed by two investigators. Data were obtained from databases such as:
Hinari, Science Direct, Wiley interscience, and indexed sources national and indexed sources national and international to predetermined criteria.
Results: according to the concepts of infection control, all instruments and equipment
placed inside the root canal must be sterile. Prevention of microfiltration is an
important success endodontically treated tooth appearance, which must be
rehabilitated in a short period of time between endodontics and final restoration to
significantly reduce contamination.
Conclusions: based on the available evidence, the results say that regardless of the
technical or endodontic filling material or type of temporary or permanent restoration,
is essential to maintain the aseptic chain along the whole treatment which added to
an adequate final restoration promote the conservation sealed coronal y apical level to
reduce the risk of bacterial.
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