2015, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2015; 29 (1)
Considerations about the teaching of the clinical method in the higher medical formation
Vicente OEF, Almaguer DAJ, García RRE
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 182-190
PDF size: 87.96 Kb.
The diagnostic individual doctor is circumscribed to the clinical method like the
how-to guided system, it is the scientific method particularized in clinical science.
The definition reveals an orientation positivist, reductive and simplistic, when
homologating the procedures of the scientific method with the clinical method not
taking into account the cultural elements and is not nothing favorable to utilize of
so inflexible form the investigating method of natural sciences in social sciences. An
investigation for the sake the exploring the teaching of the procedures of the
clinical method in the medical superior formation, is proposed to consequence, the
qualitative paradigm is utilized like methodology, with particular methods: Analysis
and synthesis, hermeneutical dialectician and hypothetic deductive and underlies
the scientific method like general method. Concluding that the exam and clinical
diagnosis are essential procedures of the clinical method when contributing the
bigger number of cultural variables and the existence of irregularities in the
teaching of the exam and clinical method.
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