2015, Number 2
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Anales de Radiología México 2015; 14 (2)
Informed consent today, its evolution and the perspective of the legal expert
Alonso-Que HT, Aja-Canales J, Castillo-Uribe L, Rodríguez-Delgado NA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 172-177
PDF size: 342.14 Kb.
Informed consent is a fundamental right, it is one of the most important
contributions of legal science, and it is the greatest expression of the
right to personal freedom. The doctor-patient relationship has gone
through widely varying historic and social circumstances. Mexico has
unquestionably made great strides in consecrating that right in its modern
legislation. The history of the doctor-patient relationship through the
first half of the 20th Century presents us with an asymmetrical situation,
product of a paternalistic vision born of the charitable perspective of
ancient Greek medicine. Some historical turning points led modern
society to question that supposed charitable intention, causing it to
evolve and leave behind its imperative nature, assuming a new form
which constitutes and operates as a true legal act, in which informed
consent is seen as an expression of the patient’s autonomy, closely related
to information. Informed consent is an act the observance of which is
considered mandatory, not bureaucratic, and omission of which should
be considered an act of medical malpractice which can create liability.
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