2015, Number 1
Current methods of diagnosis of cervical cancer
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 130-140
PDF size: 404.83 Kb.
Cervical cancer is a major health problem. It is the second leading cause of death from neoplasia in women worldwide and the first in developing countries. The slow evolution of the disease and accessibility of the cervix for examination, allow to have time and tools to detect and eradicate the disease if the diagnosis is made early, which makes it a neoplasia 100% preventable. Various methods are used in the diagnosis of this entity. Complementary tests may be considered together, since they comprise the study protocol of women with cervical lesions and each has a special indication. The aim of this article is to provide an update on the diagnostic methods used for early diagnosis of cervical cancer information, highlighting the role that each one plays in the fight against this neoplasia, which remains a scourge for women in the XXI century. National and international literature was consulted available through Infomed portal.REFERENCES
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