2014, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2014; 33 (3)
Early atherosclerotic signals in school-age children with a history of high birth weight
Rodríguez VN, Martínez PT, Martínez GR, Monaga DM, Fernández BJE, Blanco AF, Castañeda GC
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 268-274
PDF size: 73.48 Kb.
Introduction: in most cases atherosclerosis is a silent chronic condition whose
presence is generally unknown by both the patient and their family. It often starts
with a big atherosclerotic crisis (sudden death, acute myocardial infarction or cerebral
hemorrhage). In recent decades it has been found to be the main cause of death,
hospital morbidity, invalidity, disability and loss of quality of life in both developed
and developing countries.
Objective: identify early atherosclerotic signals (EAS) among school-age children
with a history of macrosomia or high birth weight.
Methods: a descriptive case-control study was conducted with children born at "Ramón González Coro" maternity hospital. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A medical record was developed which included personal details, personal and family pathological antecedents, dietary information and birth-related data. A thorough physical examination was performed, including an anthropometric study and blood pressure measurements. Humoral studies such as glycemia,
cholesterol, cholesterol esters and triglycerides were indicated.
Results: in the study group 43.57% of the patients had EAS and 56.43% did not. In
the control group 41.00% of the patients had EAS and 59.00% did not.
Conclusions: high birth weight is not a predictor of early atherosclerotic signals. The
authors are not aware of any previous report about school age, and existing reports
do not state whether the patients were macrosomic.
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