2014, Number 4
Characterization of scientific publications on drug consumption
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 436-448
PDF size: 137.78 Kb.
Introduction: the scientific journals play an important role in the process of scientific communication but the drug consumption is not frequently addressed there.Objective: to characterize the scientific publications that dealt with drug consumption in the Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO in the period of January 2000 through December 2012.
Methods: bibliometric descriptive study of articles published in the Cuban medical journals indexed in SCIELO. The term drug consumption was used to select the analysis units. The study variables were number of articles per year of publication, number of publications per author, distribution of articles per number of authors, research institution, institutional productivity, number of references per publication and theme.
Results: twenty three articles were found. The highest scientific production period (42.8%) was the 2009-2012. Most of the authors were transient for 91.7% of the total. The institutions which did research on drug consumption were Center for the development of pharmacoepidemiology with 6 publications (28.6%) followed by the "Enrique Cabrera" and "Calixto Garcia" schools of medical sciences with 2 (9.5%). Journals and books were the most common references. Revista Cubana de Farmacia accounted for 42.8%, Medicina Familiar for 19% and Plantas Medicinales for 9.5%; they made the most significant contributions of articles on this topic. Finally, 69.3% of institutions were rated as small producers.
Conclusions: the scientific production on the drug consumption, although in accordance with the most consumed pharmacological groups, is still low and is characterized by the presence of transient authors in articles with high index of shared authorship.
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