2014, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2014; 28 (3)
Proposal of generic competencies for the graduation profile of the physician-surgeon in Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
Ortiz MLE, Gajardo NLJ
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 424-435
PDF size: 160.98 Kb.
Introduction: the graduation profile is the first phase of the process of curricular
renewal. In the medical career of the University of Concepcion, the current
graduation profile dates back to 1999 and partly responds to the health needs and
requirements of the Chilean users, particularly in terms of attitudes and values that
are required as part of cross-sectional formation.
Objective: to draw up a generic competency proposal for the graduation profile of
the physician-surgeon from the medical career in Universidad de Conception in
Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, non-experimental study with nonprobabilistic
sampling by volunteers. A semi-structured, Likert-type format survey
was administered to students, academicians, graduates and public and private
employers. The surveys suggested 6 generic competencies with their respective
learning outcomes. Descriptive analysis and comparison of groups were conducted.
Results: five hundred and ninety seven completed surveys were collected, with
assessment over 5.0 of all the learning outcomes. There was general agreement of
answers among the 4 groups of surveyed people for the various learning outcomes.
Several competencies in the fields of bioethics and social responsibility showed
lower weighing values given by some surveyed groups. The answers to open
questions agreed as to requirements for the new graduation profile.
Conclusion: the generic competencies of the graduation profile suggested in the
survey have the consensus approval by students, academicians, graduates and
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