2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (1)
Severe neonatal sepsis in an intensive care unit
Pérez SY, Clemades MAM, Mederos CY, Navarro RM, Arbelo HI, Molina HO
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 50-60
PDF size: 111.12 Kb.
Introduction: severe neonatal sepsis occurs in 0.5 to 8 per 1 000 livebirths and is
the common cause of neonatal death.
Objective: to characterize the severe neonatal sepsis in patients admitted to the
neonatology service of “Mariana Grajales” university gynecological and obstetric
hospital located in Santa Clara during 2011 and 2012.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted, using
quantitative and qualitative-focused elements. The universe of study was the total
number of newborns with severe neonatal sepsis (105 neonates), which agreed with
the sample. The selected perinatal variables included total number of livebirths,
admissions to neonatal therapy service (with sepsis and severe sepsis), gestational
age, classification of sepsis, isolated microorganisms, microbiological studies and
infection rate per 1 000 livebirths.
Results: of 145 neonates with sepsis diagnosis, 105 progressed into severe sepsis
(72.4 %). It was confirmed that 70 patients were preterm born, accounting for
66.6 % and 74 children presented with confirmed acquired generalized sepsis. The
most isolated agent was negative
Staphylococcus coagulase.
Conclusions: half of neonates with sepsis behaved as if they had severe sepsis.
Prematurity was closely related to this entity at the neonatal phase. Acquired generalized sepsis was the most common. More than 50 % of the hemocultures were
positive and the most frequent ones were negative
Staphylococcus coagulase and
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