2014, Number 3
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Rev Cub Oftal 2014; 27 (3)
Clinical and epidemiolotical characterization of the low vision in the older adult and their visual rehabilitation
Rodríguez MS, Rojas RI, Vázquez AY, Venereo RA, Baute PB, Landrove Y
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 416-426
PDF size: 184.43 Kb.
Objective: with the objective of characterizing clinical epidemically to the patients
with diagnostic of low vision as well as its rehabilitation.
Methods: was carried out a descriptive study, prospective in 628 patients assisted
in the service of Low Vision in the period from the 2011 to the 2012 in the ICO
"Ramón Pando Ferrer". the general data were picked up, the general and ocular
antecedents, refractive defect, causes of the drop vision, motivation, helps optics
and evaluation of the visual rehabilitation. The obtained Information was captured
in a database, later on they were processed and they analyzed to give exit to the
objectives of the study.
Results: it prevailed the feminine sex, the white race and the age group between
70 and 79 years. Most of the patients didn't present systemic illness. I didn't seize
in the ocular pathological antecedents that it was present in most of the patients
with prevalence of the glaucoma, constituting the first ocular cause of visual
discapacidad in these. The optic help was in correspondence with the
motivationexpressed by the same ones, where the lecture-write was the main one,
in most of the cases an appropriate rehabilitation was achieved.
Conclusions: the rehabilitation was evaluated meeting statistical relationship with
the sex, the general pathological antecedents, the motivation and the optic help,
some without clinical explanation.
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