2014, Number 3
Pharmacological treatment evaluation and progression of noninfectious recurrent and chronic uveitis
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 369-389
PDF size: 306.66 Kb.
Objectives: to evaluate the pharmacological treatment and to identify the predictive factors in unfavorable clinical progression of patients with non-infectious recurrent and chronic uveitis at "Ramon Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology in the period of 2012 to 2013.Methods: drug use study was conducted based on a design of retrospective evaluative cohort and a cross-sectional analytical study of predictive factors. One hundred and sixteen patients were evaluated. The variables corresponded to the pharmacological treatment evaluation: selection of drug, administration guidelines and causes of non-adherence to treatment. For the unfavorable clinical progression, the sociodemographic and clinical variables were considered. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated; the univariate analysis was made and the significant variables for progression were included in the multiple logistic regression model.
Results: there was no error in prescribing 100 % of the evaluated cases. In the group, 15,5 % of patients did not adhere to the prescribed treatment; 83,3 % due to adverse reactions and 33,3 % to lack of drug availability. Fifty seven percent suffered adverse effects from corticosteroids and 39% from immunosupressors. The chronic clinical course and the location were the most influential factors in the unfavorable progression.
Conclusions: the pharmacological treatment evaluation for the chronic uveitis is adequate. There are no errors in prescription. The most frequent causes of nonadherence to treatment are cessation of treatment on account of adverse effects, lack of availability of immunosupressors and biological alternative. The chronic clinical course and the location of uveitis can be considered as predictive factors in the unfavorable progression of the disease.
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