2014, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2014; 37 (6)
Adversidad social y trastornos psiquiátricos: Estudio comparativo entre estudiantes de secundarias públicas y privadas
de la Peña OFR, Gómez CC, Heinze MG, Palacios-Cruz L
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 483-489
PDF size: 295.69 Kb.
Psychiatric disorders in adolescence are linked to social adversity,
family dysfunction and abuse. In Mexico City, up to 68% of the
adolescents have experienced at least one chronic adversity. Mental
health problems, such as depression and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, are frequent and cause academic problems. The social and
economic differences between students in public and private secondary
is well known. However, it has not been established what the
differences between social adversity and psychiatric disorders are
among these populations. The aim of this investigation was to determine
and compare, in a clinical two-step procedure, these features in
secondary students from southern Mexico City.
Agreement for convenience with seven secondary schools from southern
Mexico City, four public and three private, was carried out. Prior
parental consent and adolescent assent, a clinical screening that evaluated
internalized and externalized symptoms was applied to 1 474
students. Positive screening for probable psychopathology was found
in 419 students. Of these, 319 accepted a clinical interview and 177
were interviewed.
Of the 117 adolescents interviewed, 83.8% were cases. There were
more public school students than private school students: 64 (91%)
vs. 34 (71%) (
2=7.85, P=0.005), respectively. The average age was
13.39 years (SD=0.98). Family dysfunction was found in 57 (48.71%)
of the 117 adolescents. The overall performance was assessed by the
GAF; the mean score of all students was 65.48 (SD=11.68). Major
depressive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were the
most frequent diagnoses, with 48.7% and 59.8%, respectively. The psychological
and physical abuse, family dysfunction and major depressive
disorder occurred significantly in more students from public schools.
Social adversity and depression were present and more associated in
students from public than private secondary schools. This represents
a challenge for educational and mental health services for the early
recognition and prompt attention as there is a link between social
welfare and mental health.
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