2014, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2014; 28 (2)
Vertebral traction manual: force of an ancestral technical of physiotherapy
Martín PB, Ortega TDM, Aguilar FL, Guanche HA, González BDR
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 223-234
PDF size: 162.31 Kb.
The spinal pain constitute a problem that characterizes by his high prevalence in the
population. This pathology generally is benign and his interest centres in his high
frequency, social repercussion, labour and economic. The present article has like aim
explain the biophysical foundations, aims of his application, biological effects,
methodology and technical of application, as well as his indications and
contraindications. The physiotherapy has been during a lot of years, a very used tool
in the resolution of the symptoms produced by this type of injury, inside his
modalities finds the vertebral traction manual, therapeutic method that bases, in the
stretching of the spine, generally headed to a segment of east, to improve the pain
and the muscular contracture; controversial technician for a lot of specialists by
prejudices that surrounds him without clear clinical evidence. This technique keeps his
current efficiency like half therapeutic in the relief of the pain.
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