2015, Number 2
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2015; 36 (2)
Child abuse topic in undergraduate and postgraduate medical curriculum in Mexico
Pérez-Rendón JG, Flores-Pérez L, García-Piña C, Loredo-Abdalá A, Trejo-Hernández J, Casimiro-Victoria A
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 61-71
PDF size: 589.51 Kb.
Background: In Mexico, an estimated of 1 in 10 children suffer some
type of abuse but only 1 in 100 is detected and treated. One possible
reason may be that health professionals are not adequately trained and/
or sensitized to detect and refer cases causing underreporting of cases.
Objective: To determine whether the topic of child abuse is included
or not in the curricula of undergraduate medical education and medical
residencies in the Mexico’s National Medical Specialties Program.
Materials and methods: We searched for information about child abuse
subject inclusion in course structure and contents of curricula of certified
undergraduate medical education schools and all 78 medical residencies
certified by the National Autonomous University of Mexico during 2008.
Results: A) Undergraduate medical education: of the 76 certified medical
schools, full version of the curriculum was obtained in 20 (28.5%).
Child abuse related contents were found in 6 cases (30% of analyzed
curriculums). In all of them, contents were mandatory, on-site and were
situated in the fourth (n = 3) and fifth year (n = 3). In every case the
subject issue was taught in the pediatrics course and in one case it was
also included in forensic medicine and medical psychiatry courses.
Medical residency training programs: Child abuse subject was included
only in 7 specialties (8.97%, 4 specialties and 3 subspecialties). In two
academic programs the topic appears in the 2nd year while in the other
4 the contents were located in 1st year. In other program, the year in
which that content would be learned was not specified. The study of the
contents was mandatory, on-site and located in a section of the graduate
academic programs named “health care seminar”.
Conclusions: According to the obtained information, in Mexico, child
abuse appears to be poorly considered in medical curriculum of both
undergraduate and postgraduate medical residencies. In view of the
large extent of child abuse phenomenon and the unique opportunity of
physicians to be the first to detect and refer these cases, it is necessary
to include this subject in all medical education programs nationwide.
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