2015, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2015; 83 (03)
The burden of cervical cancer in patients with limited access to health services
Terán-Figueroa Y, Muñiz-Carreón P, Fernández MM, Galán-Cuevas S, Noyola-Range N, Gutiérrez-Enríquez SO, Ortiz-Valdez JA, Cruz-Valdez A
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 162-172
PDF size: 407.42 Kb.
Background: Cervical cancer is caused by highrisk HPV, a sexually
transmitted virus. In Mexico, this disease represents a public health problem. San Luis Potosi is located within ten states with the highest
rates in the country. Indigenous women of Mexico will likely to develop
cervical cancer due to inequality in access to health services and their
determinants. Epidemiological studies can be supported by investigations
of diverse geographical nature to undertake the identification and
analysis of spatial patterns of disease.
Objective: To locate by geographical distribution of Huasteca Potosina
women high-risk HPV positive to observe the burden of disease in
patients with limited access to health services and propose specific
primary prevention activities was made with a sample of 605 women.
Cervico-vaginal specimens were taken. High-risk HPV infection was
determined by hybrid capture. Age and date of the last Papanicolaou
were obtained through a structured poll. It was use descriptive statistics
and georeference was made in a map using the software ILWIS 3.3.
Results: Countyes with the highest and lowest percentages of infection
were found. The prevalence of infection with high-risk HPV was 9.9%
and age groups with the highest percentages of infection were in 51-
60 and 41-50 years. Most women had been made the Papanicolaou at
time of the present study.
Conclusions: Georeferenceas like epidemiological tool for generating
risk profiles allowed suggest strategies for improve prevention, early
detection and control of the cervical cancer.
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