2014, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2014; 52 (1)
Characterization of biosocial variables of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución, 1986-2010
Massip NT, Massip NJ, Arnold DY
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 44-57
PDF size: 101.48 Kb.
Introduction: sexually transmitted infections are infectious contagious diseases
characterized by a wide range of clinical symptoms and etiologies.
Objectives: Determine the most affected population groups and identify the main
biosocial characteristics of people living with HIV-AIDS (PHIV-AIDS) in the
municipality of Plaza de la Revolución.
Methods: a descriptive study was conducted based on a review of the
epidemiological history and medical records of 348 patients diagnosed with HIVAIDS
and cared for at decentralized consultation services in the municipality of
Plaza de la Revolución from 1986 to 2010. The statistical analysis consisted in the
estimation of absolute and relative frequencies for each study variable, using the
statistical software SPSS v. 11.5. The variables studied were age group, schooling,
sexual orientation, screening group, retrovirus and health area.
Results: most patients were in the 20-39 age group. This applied to both sexes.
The highest proportion of PHIV-AIDS in the municipality of Plaza were attending
junior or senior high school. There was a predominance of male homosexual and
bisexual patients, followed by heterosexual patients of both sexes. All female
patients were heterosexual. One of the main risk groups in the municipality was
men who have sex with other men. Most diagnoses were achieved by screening,
followed by contact group and hospital admission.
Conclusions: information methods should be analyzed with a view to improving
risk perception and disseminating knowledge about the characteristics of these
diseases and the behavior required to prevent them. Efforts should be mainly
directed to men who have sex with other men and the 20-39 age group, as well as
patients from the most affected polyclinics.
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