2014, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2014; 25 (3)
Therapeutic education of patients with chronic adrenal insufficiency
González CTM, González PK
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 231-236
PDF size: 51.85 Kb.
Adrenal diseases have significant incidence and prevalence; they occur as acute
chronic situations. Chronicity and development are both related to behaviours and
lifestyles and impose therapeutic demands that lie in the decisions of the person in
charge of the patient care. This chronic condition may appear without any symptom
and requires an active responsible person for daily care of patients, capable and
trained in disease requirements and in necessary therapeutic adjustments, and
prepared to act when an acute event occurs. The health care providers should set a
therapeutic contract with the patient. This fact requires "know-how" that includes
biosocial approach, communicative dexterities and teaching/learning techniques,
which are as necessary as the clinical update. The acute adrenal insufficiency may
present de novo or results from wrong management of already known chronic
condition. There are several causes such as the involuntary omission of medical
drug or the concomitant development of a precipitating infective or non-infective
illness, which are the most common. The patients suffering chronic adrenal
insufficiency need education so that they may be able to acquire new pieces of
knowledge, skills and behaviors that allow taking right decisions in the face of
possible decompensation.
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