2014, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2014; 81 (3)
Evaluación económica del uso de factor de crecimiento epidérmico recombinante humano (FCErh) en población mexicana con pie diabético en el Sector Salud
Acosta-Reyes MR, López A, Álvarez O, González AM, Acosta AG
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 147-153
PDF size: 136.22 Kb.
Introduction. One of the chronic complications of greater economic cost is the care of patients with diabetic foot, whose
prevalence is 15 to 20% of all patients with this metabolic disorder. An estimated 20% of them are amputees further 50%
of these cases will undergo contralateral amputation within 5 years.
Objective. Determine the feasibility of using the
epidermal growth factor recombinant human in the treatment of patients with diabetic foot stage 3 or 4 of Wagner
compared with standard treatment used in the health sector of México.
Material and methods. An economic evaluation
was performed, cost-utility and cost-effectiveness through a Markov model. The time horizon was one year with bimonthly
Results. The deterministic sensitivity analysis on the variables: Cost and Effectiveness FCErh, the annual cost of
treatment of patients with diabetic foot ulcer with standard therapy results in greater expense to the health sector. In terms
of effectiveness: the patient treated with 1.58 months FCErh adjusted life with quality of life than those treated with standard
therapy. Analysis showed that the group using FCErh amputations are reduced by 11.8 % over the period analyzed.
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