2014, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2014; 81 (3)
Evaluación de errores diagnósticos de envío en alergia e inmunología
Rojo-Gutiérrez MI, Herrera-Sánchez DA, Mellado-Ábrego J, Castillo-Narváez G, Ramos-García JA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 141-146
PDF size: 152.13 Kb.
Introduction. Allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma are common diseases that often coexist. In our country is low prevalence
and high mortality of asthma, associated with subdiagnostic, and minimization of illnesses associated.
Objective. Assess
diagnostic errors more frequent in sending to specialty of allergy.
Material and methods. It is a transversal, observational,
retrospective study. They were reviewed 2,048 expedients first time consultation of allergy, comparing allergist’s diagnosis
with sending’s diagnostic.
Results. 1,924 expedients were analyzed that met our inclusion criteria, 1113 (58%) female and
male 811 (42%). Age range between 0-10 years (37%), 11-20 years (2)0% and finally 31-40 years (12.8%). Average age
21.68, mode 8 years old. Sending’s diagnosis: AR with 44%, asthma 18%, urticaria 5.5%; AR + asthma (4.1%), atopic
dermatitis (2.4%) and other diagnostics (24%); allergy diagnostics were: RA (34%), asthma (7.6%), urticaria (8.6%); RA +
asthma (27.1%), atopic dermatitis (2.4%) and other diagnoses (19%), the correlation between the diagnoses was 56%.
Specialties with not concordant diagnoses were: General medicine (80%), Emergency of Adults (60%), Pediatrics (56%),
ORL (44%), Pneumology and Internal Medicine 28%, Ophthalmology (21%) and Dermatology (11%). The discrepancies
with other hospitals fluctuate between 29 and 90%. AR is sub diagnosed mainly when is associated with asthma, this is
because there is still lack of knowledge by the MPh of diagnostic criteria of allergic diseases.
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