2015, Number 1
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Rev Mex Ortodon 2015; 3 (1)
Analysis of the cephalometric skeletal and dental characteristics of adult patients with cleft lip and palate who received orthopedic, orthodontic and/or surgical treatment during their childhood and adolescence
Yudovich BM, Ponglertnapakorn A, Garduño GCE
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 22-32
PDF size: 931.72 Kb.
Background: Cleft lip and palate is one the most common congenital malformations that affect human faces in all ethnic, economic level, and educational groups. It may cause speech and psychological problems. This study presents the skeletal and dental characteristics of cleft lip and palate patients treated with maxillary orthopedics, orthodontics and surgery during their infant and adolescence years.
Method: A retrospective cephalometric analysis study was performed in 2013 using the Dolphin Imaging System of 26 lateral head films and 26 posteroanterior X-rays of cleft lip and palate adult patients who received orthopedic, orthodontic and/or surgical treatment during their infancy and adolescence between 1969 and 1985. All X-rays were taken during 1995-2002.
Result: Most of the subjects presented a mesofacial growth pattern, a skeletal Class III maxilomandibular relation, a large mandibular body length, an increase in the vertical growth of the maxilla, and an increase in the facial, maxillary, nasal, intermolar and intercanine width, with a normal Overjet and Overbite and retroclined upper incisors.
Registro de vigilancia epidemiológica de las malformaciones congénitas externas. http://www.dgepi.salud.gob.mx/infoepi/manuales/Man16-DefectoTN/Man16.htm
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