2014, Number S1
Curricular research skill training in Dentistry undergraduate studies. From Curriculum C to Curriculum D
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 7-20
PDF size: 144.51 Kb.
Background: the research function is one of the responsibilities that the general dentists must meet in their professional performance; therefore, the training in research skills is vital in the learning process and constitutes an objective of the curriculum of undergraduate studies.Objective: to assess the research skills training that Curriculum D fosters, from its project dimension, in the would-be dentists.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Medical University of Villa Clara in 2012, through a documentary analysis of the curriculum and syllabi of the integrative discipline. The criteria of teachers on the potentialities and limitations of the curriculum for the training of research skills were explored. Teaching-learning process officials and experienced teachers were surveyed through a sampling by criteria and saturation. Methodological triangulation was conducted to obtain information from various perspectives.
Results: the inclusion of the subject Research Methodology and improvements of the curricular strategy compared to Curriculum C were identified as main strengths. The main weaknesses included the limited proposal of research skills, for the general dentist, posed by the different syllabi and the preconceived conception that sees the analysis of the health situation as a fundamental research task.
Conclusions: curriculum D, from its project dimension, shows improvements compared to Curriculum C; however, perfection is required for the curricular training of research skills in Dentistry students.
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