2014, Number 3
Contribution of the Diploma course on Pedagogy to the philosophical and political-ideological of teachers
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 176-192
PDF size: 170.58 Kb.
This study aims to publicize the experiences of the work done through the diploma course in Higher Medical Education Pedagogy, in relation to the philosophical and political-ideological training of the teacher staff of the Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara, which is specifically approached through the development of the module Ethics and Pedagogical Mastery, due to the repercussion that, from the point of view of the outlook and the development of the dialectical thinking it has for the teachers, as it contributes to a better training of the university teacher in the sciences of health, in accordance with the demands of modern pedagogy and the profound transformations that have taken place in this area, materialized in the field of teaching, with the process of universalization of the medical higher education.REFERENCES
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