2013, Number 4
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2013; 4 (4)
Desarrollo de habilidades profesionales del estudiante de enfermería desde un enfoque interdisciplinario
Medina GI, Lazo PMA, Valcárcel IN
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 160.14 Kb.
At the present time the formation of the male nurses of the technical career and
professional requires of the development of interdisciplinary relationships among the
subjects rectors of every year of the career and the rest that you/he/she supplements
the student's in a such way integral formation that allows him to carry out infirmary
actions, to satisfy the human necessities affected in her patients, starting from the
integration of the acquired knowledge.
Objective: To design a Methodological Proposal that contributes to the formation and development of the professional
abilities from an interdisciplinary optics in the students of Infirmary in the professional
Material and methods: theoretical methods were used as to the
documental analysis, models, historical logical and empiric methods as the
observation, the survey, the interview and user's registration and enumeration of
Results: Methodological proposal sustained in the relationships that
settle down among the dimensions and the proposed indicators and the execution of
the infirmary actions that favor the development of the same ones and the
satisfaction of the human necessities in the relationship with their patients.
Conclusions: the application of the methodological proposal contributes to the
development of a scientific thought of the students of the infirmary career that allows
an in agreement professional performance to the demands of the society and the
ministry of public health in relation to the satisfaction of the necessities affected in the
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