2014, Number 1
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2014; 22 (1)
Nursing process applied to a person with Marfan syndrome and aortic dissection
Ramírez-Chávez GI, Olvera-Arreola SS, Cadena-Estrada JC
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 17-24
PDF size: 213.06 Kb.
Introduction: Marfan syndrome affects different systems, especially skeletal, ocular and cardiovascular muscle; the latter is referred within the abnormalities of as aortic dissection. The standard procedure for aortic dissection in patients with Marfan syndrome is the modified Bentall operation. Faced with this panorama is required that professional nursing personnel is trained with a proactive and analytical approach that ensures to the patient heart postoperative care.
Objective: Develop a process of nursing with the conceptual approach of Virginia Henderson a person with Marfan’s syndrome and aortic dissection.
Methodology: A case study of clinical, prospective and transversal, a methodology of the process of nursing care, was performed in an institution of high cardiovascular specialty during the immediate and mediate postoperative period. Basic needs were detected with an instrument for the evaluation of cardiovascular nursing with the approach of Virginia Henderson. Actual and risk nursing diagnoses were made with scientific level and grade of nursing interventions recommendations were planned.
Results: Altered needs: oxygenation/circulation, safety and mobility; the developed nursing diagnoses were risk of shock, gas exchange impairment, decreased cardiac output, ineffective cleaning of the airway, pain, risk of injury, impaired skin integrity and impaired physical mobility.
Conclusion: The implementation of the process of nursing care provides quality of care; based on scientific evidence given to the person contributed to his favorable fast recovery.
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