2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Gen 2012; 6 (1)
Detection of urocanic acid in sweat by thin film chromatography
Contreras RJ, Alonso JE, Escalona O, Quintana D
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 26-30
PDF size: 605.60 Kb.
Histidinemia is a hereditary autosomal recessive metabolic disorder, characterized by histidine deficiency that causes increased levels of histidine in blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid; increased levels of its metabolites in urine and decreased levels of the metabolite urocanic acid in sweat and horny layer of epidermis. A thin layer chromatography technique for the detection and densitometry quantification of urocanic acid in sweat samples is described, intended for the diagnosis of histidinemia and other anomalies in the histidine metabolism. The stationary phase was a cellulose plate and the mobile phase consisted in an acetone/glacial acetic acid /distilled water mix. The retention factor obtained for urocanic acid was equal to 0,75. Sample quantification was carried out for an urocanic acid concentration value range varying from 5,43 10-5 to 28,96 10-5 mol/L, showing a linear behaviour and a determination coefficient equal to 0,9986, as well as a quantification limit equal to 5,43 10-5 mol/L. This technique was employed for the analysis of sweat samples in healthy children and children with unknown-cause speech defects and higher concentration of histidine in serum. Lower concentration values for urocanic acid were obtained in the latter group of children.
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