2011, Number 2
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Rev Cub Gen 2011; 5 (2)
Degree of self-sufficiency in 0 to 14 years old children with intellectual disability in the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Taboada LN, Martínez FM, González ML, Bacallao BA, Bravo TO
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 57-63
PDF size: 437.06 Kb.
Sel-sufficiency reflects the ability of people to carry out
or not the basic activities of daily living by themselves,
and their need of support and supervision for their
implementation. This is an element of great importance
for the social integration of persons with any types of
disabilities. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional
study was performed, which included the 9 148 Bolivian
children from 0 to 14 years old with intellectual disabilities
identified in the clinical- genetic and psychosocial study
of people with disabilities led to out in the country by
the Misión Solidaria del ALBA “Moto Méndez”. The
study was carried out in order to determine their level
of self-sufficiency, relating it with the degree of severity
of intellectual disability and characterizing it from
the standpoint of etiology, as well as identifying those
dependent and semidependent children who do not have any
parental protection. A total of 7 499 intellectually disabled
children with some degree of dependency were identified;
more than half of them proved to be semidependent and
only one fourth were independent. In children younger
than four years old the dependent cases predominated, and
as age increased semidependent cases predominated. Most
Bolivian dependent children without parental protection
had a profound degree of intellectual disability.
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