2014, Number 4
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2014; 15 (4)
Prognostic factors of recovery and reemployment in adults after traumatic brain injury
Ontiveros Á, Preciado AK, Matute E, López-Cruz M, López-Elizalde R
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 211-217
PDF size: 155.72 Kb.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents the leading cause of death in people between 15 and 45 years of age, and it is the first
cause of disability world wide. One third of all patients who suffer non-fatal injuries present cognitive, motor, emotional or behavioral
deficits that renders social reinsertion difficult. The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the scientific literature on the
prognostic factors related to recovery and return to work after traumatic brain injury. These prognostic factors are divided into
three categories: those that exist before brain damage, those associated with brain damage, and those related to long-term
adjustments. Taking in to account these prognostic factors helps foster healthy habits, improve medical services and design
effective multidisciplinary programs that enhance rehabilitation and employment outcomes.
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