2014, Number 4
Causes of maternal mortality in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, period 2009-2012
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 388-396
PDF size: 203.75 Kb.
Background: The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) has declined slowly, despite the WHO resolved to reduce up to 75 % the maternal mortality from 1990 to 2015. This is why it is necessary to continue the analysis of the causes to strengthen and innovate the courses of action to reduce maternal deaths in our country.Methods: A retrospective study which included maternal deaths (due to direct and indirect causes) that occurred in the period 2009- 2012. The information was obtained from the fi le of maternal death, which is an Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) offi cial source. We used the WHO defi nition of maternal death. Indirect deaths were grouped according to the International Classifi cation of Illnesses (ICI-10). It was used descriptive statistics.
Results: The MMR in the IMSS has declined slowly but steadily: in 2012, it was recorded the lowest MMR in this institute: 26.4. However, severe preeclampsia-eclampsia and obstetric hemorrhage were the fi rst and second place, respectively, as direct causes of death. As indirect causes, cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms were the fi rst places (without underestimating the respiratory diseases top fi gures).
Conclusions: It is necessary to keep doing our efforts to diminish maternal deaths in all levels of medical care at the IMSS. It is a priority to continue education and preconception counseling to women of childbearing age with such diseases.
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